What can I say? It was a long, long week, and really, I am pregnant; I get tired! Avery too had a rough day at daycare it seems. Or a really good day... he was so tuckered out. We had been watching Y&R on the couch (it's his favourite story - he never misses it). Next thing you know, the show is over and Pat is home. I am so happy Pat was able to snap a pic before Avery woke up. He looks too cute for words!
So, it's been quite busy for us over the last couple of weeks... and things don't down seem to be slowing down at all. We had a busy weekend packing and cleaning, visiting the Katz's new GORGEOUS abode and a trip to Ajax to visit Nanny & Oopa. Nanny gave Avery a piece of chocolate wafer, which sent him into sugar overload. This kid was pretty much jumping off the wall. This is why we don't give him anything sweeter than Arrowroot cookies. We also went out for brunch with Jon & Ann to Cool Hand of a Girl, where Avery enjoyed licking the jam off of his toast. Always the gentlemen, he kept borrowing my napkin to wipe his face. Adorable!
We had wanted to go to Chudleighs for some apple picking, but the rain made us reconsider our plans. We hope to go this weekend, but the forecast doesn't leave me very optimistic. Next week, the O'Brien's are heading to South Carolina to visit the "Outlaws" for Aunt Leighlow's wedding. We can't wait. Avery will finally get to meet Aunt B! I don't think Avery's ready for all the cheek grabbing he's going to get from the Carter women! Watch out Avery!