I can not believe that 2008 is over. It was an exciting year for the O'Brien's... most notably, the birth of the apple of our eyes, Avery. We spent the second half of the year getting to know our darling son, learning what parenthood was all about. Not that parenting ever gets easy, and each stage has its ups and downs, I must say that we are now entering the good times. Avery's personality is really beginning to blossom. He is kooky and pleasant, dare I say, charming even. I think he shares my enthusiasm for singing, as he practices his vocal range for the greater part of each day.
He never stays still, not even when he is sleeping. When I get him out of his crib in the morning, he is most likely on the opposite side of where we placed him at night. As I mentioned in previous posts, I have a feeling we have a mischievous fellow in our future.
And on the subject of sleeping - our little guy has taken well to sleep training, at least when it comes to bedtime. He has become quite the master of self soothing in the evening. He will barely cry 5 minutes before drifting off to sleep and for the last few evenings, he has been sleeping close to 12 hours straight. I know this sort of behaviour is sometimes fleeting, so I am enjoying every minute of my nighttime rest. The next battle is napping. That will not be as easy to accomplish, but it's something we look forward to achieving.
He definitely has inherited his father's appetite, and then some! I can not believe how much food Avery can eat. I swear he has gained a few pounds in the last couple of weeks. It is fun getting to feed him real food and I know Pat enjoys getting to participate in meal times. I have started making Avery's food myself, which is oh, so easy. I can't wait until he's a bit older so I can start adding herbs and such - gourmet baby food, if you will.
As Avery nears his 7th month, we look forward to another eventful year. In a few short months we will be moving into our condo, and then a few months later, Avery will be celebrating his first birthday. How time flies.
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