Wow. It's been a while.
I meant to write, really I did.
But, you know...'ve heard all of the excuses before, so let's just get down to business shall we?
Obviously, A LOT has happened since I last posted. I don't even know where to start.
Elliott has grown about three feet. Not really, but he's grown quite a bit. He's walking and talking like nobody's business. Well, his walking is much better than his talking... but new words keep coming all of the time. He's in the 95th% for height and he's moved all the way up to the 25th-50th% for weight. Elliott still eats like a machine, so I can't believe he's not more of a porker. I wish I knew how he did it.
Avery started a new daycare. It's really close to our house and it's located in the school where he'll be starting JK next year. He's settled in really well and has made many new friends. Of course, he hasn't forgotten his best buddy James. In fact James came over today for a playdate (with Truman and Oliver) and they all got into the Hallowe'en spirit. The boys decorated some haunted gingerbread houses. SCARY! You want to know what was really scary? My dining room floor after the kids were finished. The kids had a great time and it was really lovely to see how well all of them got along.
Avery is participating in basketball and gymnastics this season. He loves them both and is really excelling in basketball. I am so happy they are actually teaching the kids techniques, which is a big change from his soccer classes last year.
Elliott has sprung a mouthful of teeth. He popped out about 4 within two weeks - all molars. He's still got quite a few to go, but it must be nice for him to be able to chew things properly!
Elliott has a girlfriend, Sabine. The teachers tell us that the two of them spend a lot of time staring into each other's eyes. Too much. Avery tells me his girlfriend is Nicholas. I'm not surprised.
It was a quick, but fun summer. We were so delighted to have Pat's family here with us for quite some time. It started with a visit from KK, Poppy and Aunt Leighlow. Aunt B joined us from BC as well. Then, while Poppy went on a cross-country trip with Uncle Jim, we got to see KK and Aunt B for almost an entire month! Consider us spoiled rotten. The only downside to a visit like that is saying good-bye. It just seemed weird to not have them around. But they'll be coming back soon... we'll get back to that later.
So far this fall we've been on our annual apple picking trip. This year we tried something new - Carl Laidlaw Orchards. This place rocked. First of all, it was much cheaper than Chudleighs. It was also way less busy than Chudleighs and you get to do cool things like bake your own pies! The kids went nuts for it. I highly recommend it. Oh, also, it's just on the border of Mississauga/Brampton, so it was so much closer for us too.
A lot of babies have entered our lives over the last few months. On Avery's birthday, little baby Nolan was born - Congratulations Kristina and Andrew. We actually had the pleasure of meeting him this week. He sure is sweet. Baby Lily arrived on October 1st... late as always :) She is one good looking baby already. Be nice to your parents Lily, they are the best - Congratulations Kim & Craig! Some more babies will be coming in the future as well... and all I can say is thank goodness I don't have to deal with newborns anymore! Ha! No, they are lovely, but I definitely like my life with my older children. They are little people now and watching them problem solve and make connections on their own - well, it just makes mamma proud.
As I said, I am sure I missed a lot of stuff, since it's been so long. A lot of stuff will be happening soon too. The out-laws are coming in for a November visit, along with Aunt Leighlow, Aunt B, Uncle Jim and Couzint Rob. It's like a late Thanksgiving/Early Christmas Family Get together and it's bound to be a blast.
Until then...
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