Sunday, June 22, 2008

Avery's Arrival

After 38 weeks of bliss in mommy's womb, our little Avery decided to make an unexpected early arrival into our lives.

I went in for my scheduled doctor's appointment only to find out that I had already dilated 2 centimetres. The doctor on call thought it was best to induce me... and a mere 10 hours later, his father and I were beside ourselves seeing our little Avery for the first time.

We are thoroughly enjoying taking care of all of Avery's needs - which are pretty basic at this stage - and showing him off to anyone who seems interested! He enjoys going for walks already (something his father and I LOVE doing!) and isn't bothered at all by the loud noises we encounter.

We are quickly coming up to the two week mark and we can't wait to see how much weight he's gained at his doctor's appointment on Tuesday!

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