Things have really started to calm down here at the O'Brien's. After almost two weeks of keeping our fingers crossed, it seems as though the "all night sleep" is here to stay! Avery, just a week shy of his 3 month milestone is sleeping an average of 10 hours a night, waking up just once, usually around 6am. What a difference it makes to have some sanity back! We have finally managed to create some structure to our days, which has been wonderful.
A full night of rest has helped me to get back to doing some things I have been missing over the last few months, such as cooking and baking. I was lucky enough to be able to make my darling nephew Truman a Cookie Monster cake for his second birthday. He is obsessed with Cookie Monster - something I can relate to, as that was my favourite character when I was younger.

There are a few new additions to our son's personality that have emerged in the last week or so. Little Avery's latest favourite activity is sticking his tongue out. It is the cutest thing ever. He especially loves it when you play the game with him.

He also refuses to be carried in the Bjorn facing inward; Avery must be able to see what's going on around him! Yesterday evening he would not stop fussing until we turned him outwards. Lucky for us, he was alseep by the end of the walk - which had been our plan all along! It's great knowing that when he is alert he is very interested in his surroundings.

The last activity we've introduced into Avery's routine is sitting in the Bumbo. He got to enjoy his first dinner sitting on his own at Nanny and Oppa's kitchen table. I figured he'd enjoy the Bumbo since he just loves it when we prop him up on the couch. This contraption offers him so much more support. It will only be a matter of time before he is sitting up all on his own! Baby steps mommy, baby steps...