Thursday, September 18, 2008

A True Torontonian

Today Avery reached a new milestone, essential for anyone living in Toronto - he rode the Red Rocket. We went to visit Daddy at work, deep in the heart of uptown Toronto. Avery was a gentleman, as per usual, smiling at all the wondeful people Pat works with (especially the ladies).

Pat, Avery and I went for lunch at the Firkin just down the street (Avery begged us to order him the bangers & mash) and then for a short walk to a quaint park nearby. What a nice afternoon it was.

I must say the ride home on the subway wasn't as pleasant. Avery got hungry at about Spadina (luckily I had packed a bottle in case of emergency) and was extra fussy because he was quite tired. He's just now settling down for a nap.

Avery has been giggling up a storm the last couple of days. I melt every time I hear it. I have been desperately trying to catch it on film, but by the time I grab my camera, he's stopped. Usually it just comes out of nowhere, but believe me, I've done some embarrassing things to try to coax it out of him!

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