On the heels of yet another atrocious night with little Avery (waking every two hours or so and refusing to go down for any sort of sleep after 4am), I was beyond happy when my husband told me he was taking a vacation day today... or as I like to call it "playing hooky." It's precisely what I needed to help me make it through the day - back up.
We started out our morning by walking to La Crema for some much needed 16oz coffees, although the crisp weather was enough to wake me up as soon as I stepped outside.
Pat, after coming home from a darling new hair cut, took Avery and I out for lunch at one of our favourite restaurants, Freshwood Grill. We can't get enough of their sweet potato fries with chipotle mayonnaise.
The rest of our afternoon has been spent playing and relaxing. Our poor little guy hasn't been the happiest camper lately. Not only do we think he is teething, Avery is fighting off his very first cold. His congestion has lead us to nickname him "little piggy" because he snorts so much.
Hopefully he'll manage to be back to his cheerful self soon - at least before he goes in for his next set of shots in just over a week.
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