Sunday, May 10, 2009

My First Mother's Day!

Today, we celebrated my first Mother's Day, and I must say I enjoyed myself. I woke up to the smell of bacon, which indicated this day was off to a great start. Not only did I get to sleep in to a lazy 7:30am, but my darling husband made me a delicious breakfast. I must also note that today Pat was celebrating his birthday, so it was even more special that he woke up early with Avery and pampered me with breakfast.

We spent the afternoon at Michele's house, as she hosted a wonderful Mother's Day early dinner. I think everyone enjoyed watching Truman and Avery play together. There were many precious moments shared between the two; putting a puzzle together, holding hands and a couple of unforced hugs. We can all tell that in a couple of years, these two cousins will be trouble! But, for right now, they are only adorable.

I'd just like to say a very Happy Mother's Day to all of the wonderful women in our lives. Thanks for everything you do, and for being you!

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