Monday, August 25, 2008

Look Mom, No Hands!

I can not believe this is the last week of the summer... kids are heading back to school, the weather is getting cooler and one brand new little baby will be almost three months old. How time flies when you are entrenched in feeding, burping and changing a newborn! And my, oh my, how he has grown - not only in weight and height, but more importantly, in development. As you can see below, Avery has a new favourite game called standing on his own (well, almost on his own). He loves to show off the strength of his athletic legs - some say he's the next Usain Bolt. At any rate, it's something Pat and I get a kick out of.

He also loves nothing more than being carried facing outwards... be it in the Baby Bjorn or when we are holding him in our arms. I think he just enjoys the attention this garners from strangers.

We've also noticed that he loves to smile when one of us walks into the room. What an amazing feeling to know that just a glimpse brings Avery happiness... a memory I might have to use to help cope through his teenage years.

Lastly, his sleeping patterns seem to have changed once again... and hopefully it sticks! Since Thursday night, Avery has slept between 6 to 8 hours straight every night. It's allowed me to regain some much needed brain power and Avery to be awake and alert for more time during the day. It's wonderful. And from what I've been told, the experience only gets better from here on in... I can't wait.

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